My name is Sarah Rolston and I’m an everyday homeschooler.
By that, I do not mean that we homeschool every single day, 365 days a year. By everyday I mean that I am a typical homeschool mom.
Like so many of you, I am in the trenches, struggling to juggle math lessons, laundry, and little children - forgetting more often than not to set something out for dinner.
I’m a wife, mama, & homemaker - saved by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.
Our kids range in age from 5-17. That’s right. . . preschool through high school (and yes - it’s just as challenging and exhausting as it sounds!)
We’ve been homeschooling for more than 10 years. I cannot believe we’ve been doing this a decade! Time flies.
Over the years we have tried many different homeschool methods… and just about every curriculum too.
Our style could definitely be labeled as eclectic. We are a mix of unit studies and traditional, with a Charlotte Mason flare thrown in there!
When I’m not homeschooling, you can find me baking bread, organizing a closet, working in the garden. . . or hiding in my room with a cup of coffee and my secret stash of dark chocolate (I tend to be a little introverted).
Yes, my arms and days are often very full… but so is my heart.
Welcome to Everyday Homeschooler, I’m so glad that you’re here!
Grab a cup of coffee and follow along. We’ll chat about education, homemaking, and everyday life.
I’ll never forget the morning I met Justin.
It was a snowy Sunday in February. I nervously sat fidgeting on a cold metal folding chair. I was uneasy because this was my first time attending the Singles Sunday School Class (it was much cooler than it sounds - I promise!).
I had just recently started attending church and knew absolutely no one in the room. I looked up and noticed a cute guy across the room smiling at me.
To say it was love at first sight is a stretch, but I was immediately interested in this boy with dark hair and a blue dress shirt.
He won my heart by offering me rides to church, introducing me to Chipotle, and intently listening to all my stories and worries.
He was my best friend, before he was my love.
We’ve been married for 18 years and still learn from each other… every single day!
Justin is a software engineer, runner, coffee snob & bourbon lover. Seriously - you should check out our bourbon collection. It’s pretty impressive!
We are both passionate about ministry! A few years ago we took the plunge and started serving at a local church plant, where Justin is now an elder/pastor.
On a typical night you can find us devouring Thai food or tacos, playing euchre, & watching West Wing.
Lover of all things Lego. He has an engineering brain and takes everything apart to see how it works. Quite the reader (and maybe someday writer) he loves CS Lewis, SD Smith, and Andrew Peterson.
The little mama in our house! She is my sou chef, chore leader, & side kick (Seriously - I couldn’t survive one day without her help).
She loves art projects, pointe class, & playing piano.
She has quite the flare for the dramatic (she should probably take up acting because she has quick wit & hilarious facial expressions).
She is named appropriately, Mariah Joy, because her happiness is contagious.
The “Big Ez” - our music man! He is a Thomas the Train expert and Baby Shark’s biggest fan! He loves kindergarten, collecting figures, and Yoto cards.
Our little surprise! Our baby girl keeps us on our toes - the perfect combination of sweet & spunk! Enthusiastic about everything, especially Bluey and lollipops!
With us for just 2 short months, waiting for us in heaven.
During this season, Micah helped us learn to give thanks in all circumstances, even those that are tragic and full or sadness.
I will rejoice and be glad in your steadfast love, because you have seen my affliction; you have known the distress of my soul (Psalm 31:7)
Only with us for 15 weeks awaiting us in glory.
Loved, cherished, and pointing people to the deep and endless love of Christ!
I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever (Psalm 86:12)
With us for just 15 weeks, awaiting us in heaven.
His name means, “Yahweh is my God” - a lesson that has taken new meaning in our hearts because of his precious life.
When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul… But the Lord has become my stronghold,
and my God the rock of my refuge (Psalm 94:19, 22)
Beautiful testimonies to our great God, Micah, Gloria, & Elijah’s lives have enabled us to share our faith with so many - talking about why and how we can give glory and trust to God in all circumstances, whether joy-filled or raw and full or sorrow.