Analytical Grammar Review

You requested it, so here it is - a full review on Analytical Grammar!


Authors: Robin Finley & Erin Karl

Publisher: Demme Learning

Grade Level: Upper Middle School - High School

Prep Time: None! Open & Go

Cost: Full Set $99

includes teacher guide, student workbook, & companion DVD

(additional copies of the student workbook are $47)

Timeline: 3 Seasons of grammar instruction can be taught over the course of 1-3 years (depending on age of student)

Daily Time Commitment: average 30-60 minutes

Check Out the Full Video Review

  • Flip Through & Preview

  • How We Schedule & Use Analytical Grammar in our Homeschool

  • Pros, Cons, & Honest Thoughts

Pros, Cons & Other Thoughts…

An open & go grammar program! No need for prep work for the teacher/parent.

A complete grammar program. Beginning with basic parts or speech and quickly jumping into sentence diagramming.

Students do not need former grammar instruction or exposure.

But… that being said…This is a rigorous, challenging, and thorough curriculum!

The suggested age range is spot on. I would not attempt to use this program with kids outside of upper middle school - early high school. And even then, be prepared to be flexible with the schedule. Take extra time when needed in order to master each concept.

Don’t let the cover fool you, this curriculum is an oldie, but a goodie! The companion DVD’s are absolutely essential (and excellent), despite the age of their filming and graphics.

One of my favorite features of this program is that it encourages open-note tests. This removes any pressure or test taking anxiety and really sets kids up up for success - building their confidence every week.

Along that same vein, Analytical Grammar encourages shoulder-to-shoulder grading. Meaning that you and your child should go over every exercise and test together, using it as an opportunity for discussion and further teaching.

As you grade together, you will check what your child marks correctly and not point our what is wrong or missed. This builds an encouraging atmosphere.

But keep in mind… this type of grading takes time! I usually spend 10-15 minutes every day grading and talking through grammar with my child.

How We Use Analytical Grammar

We are currently using Analytical Grammar with our 13 and 14 year olds (7th/8th graders).

We are flexible with our scheduling of this curriculum and are taking our time (being sure that the kids master each concept before moving onto the next unit).

We completed season 1 in a single semester, but plan to allow an entire year for each season if needed.

As far as our daily work, we follow the daily/weekly suggested schedule from the teacher book pretty closely.

What do my Kids Say?

“Grammar is pretty tough, but I like it way better than the other grammar curriculum we did before”

“I usually have to watch the DVD lesson a couple times before I really get it“

“Sentence diagramming is hard, but kinda fun too”

“I’m glad the tests are open-notes, it makes me feel less worried every Friday”

Final Thoughts

I would definitely recommend Analytical Grammar, especially if you are looking for a complete and thorough grammar curriculum for your late middle schooler/early high schooler.

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