Christmas Unit Study Options

Gather ‘Round vs. Campfire Curriculums

December is HERE!

Which means if you’re a homeschooler, you’re probably considering 2 options:

Taking the month of December completely off and ditching homeschool until after New Years…


If you’re anything like me, gearing up for a Christmas Unit Study!

Gather ‘Round Homeschool & Campfire Curriculums both have beautiful unit studies out this year. So how’s a girl to choose?

In this week’s video I compare the units, do a brief curriculum review, and give your a peek inside each one.

Watch as I process which unit we will use in our homeschool and give some options that might work for your homeschool family.

Grab some coffee & follow along as I compare 2 Christmas Unit Studies:

  • Gather ‘Round Homeschool

  • Campfire Curriculums

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